About Hopewell Baptist Church
The vision of Hopewell is to grow in hope and holiness.
The good news of Jesus is that people that were once far away from God are now near to Him through Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. This gives us great hope. We were not merely saved from death and separation from God, however. Those who follow Jesus have been set apart to live according to God's values and commands. These lead to a true joy than we could ever know on our own. In other words, we were called to a life of holiness.
Maturity is rarely a linear process. Seasons come and go. That's why we want to stress personal and communal spiritual growth. That can happen quickly and be evident, or it can be incremental and less obvious. No matter what, through the hope of the Gospel and the holiness to which we're called, we want to continue growing. If we're not, we find the help we need to get back on track together. We will arrive to perfection one day; until then, we seek to mature and grow together.
Four Core Values
These values serve as guiding principles to keep our church fixed on Christ and His call on our lives
God’s Word is the ultimate guide for salvation, knowing God, and living in obedience to Him. While creation shows God’s power and goodness, it does not reveal the saving knowledge we need. By preserving His truth in Scripture, God provides a reliable foundation to know His will and resist sin and Satan.
We are one expression of God’s church; we show our commitment to Christ through our actions and beliefs. We come together to encourage one another and follow the teachings of the Gospel together. We are called to maintain a holy fellowship in worship and support one other spiritually and materially.
We value God’s Harvest because it is a privilege and command from our Lord to make disciples of all nations. The new birth through God’s Holy Spirit instills a love for those near and far to us and a desire to see them know God through Jesus Christ. We desire to actively share the gospel through both verbal witness and a Christian lifestyle, as well as other methods aligned with Christ’s teachings.
We desire to show God’s Care for the world around us, displaying the heart of the Father for the world He created. He has prepared good works for us to accomplish in our lifetime, and we take seriously the privilege of doing them so that God receives the glory.